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Add Your URL Here !
LINK TO US FROM YOUR SITE FOR BETTER RANKINGS! We have noticed that submitting your site to our search directory as well as putting a link on your site to our site at http://www.webportal.com.my/, would improve your rankings on sites which use cross linking references as weight ranking. You are advised to place a link to us on your site to obtain better and immediate ranking benefits!
Submission Rules
- Ensure that all submissions are for Webpages or Sites that are written in English or Malay (Bahasa Malaysia). All other Foreign Language Submissions will be rejected.
- Ensure that your Website is Up & Running before submitting your URL to us.
- Ensure that the content of your Website is applicable to everyone, especially Malaysians in general.
- DO NOT SPAM this Directory Service with multiple pages from within the same URL or your URL will be banned immediately from our Directory.
- Websites relating to "Multi-level Marketing, Individual Affiliates linking, or other quick Money Making Schemes" will NOT be entertained.
If you do not get a response or if your browser hangs after submitting your URL above, kindly use the Manual Addition console instead, after restarting your browser.